Monday, January 1, 2007

Console Wars

Over the past few years, the videogame console market has been in a constant state of warfare as Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony vie for dominance. Sony has always dominated, with a 62% market share in 2003, and about the same, as of mid 2006. However, Microsoft is poised to take about a 15% piece of that pie before 2011. Analysts predict Sony will remain king, with Microsoft a close second. Nintendo will be left in the dust with a mere 16%. Of course, these predictions were made before the ridiculous PS3 shortages, so the numbers will probably change some. However, these shortages will probably not be enough to really alter the gap between Nintendo and its competitors.

Come next generation, Nintendo is going to have to really step things up if they want to remain competitive. Using last years technology and adding a motion sensitive "Wiimote" as a gimmick doesn't make for a great system. Hyping up revolutionary gameplay that isn't doesn't make for a happy fanbase. Despite the current 55% market share for Nintendo (this includes handhelds, where Nintendo is the definite winner), there is a good chance that their sales have already peaked. As PS3's become available, Sony will slowly, but surely, take back their share of the market.

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