Friday, December 22, 2006


There are a couple of trailers up now for the new movie(s), Grindhouse from Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez. This is an interesting concept they're trying out. The whole thing is that they are each making a feature length movie, but the two will be shown back-to-back. Very strange, indeed.

The two movies are very much in the vein of the old "grindhouse" movies. Grindhouse is an exploitation genre, generally focusing on sex. A lot of them were porn movies masquerading as documentaries about nudists and such. QT & RR's Grindhouse will probably have lots of sex, but it looks like the main focus is going to be schlocky horror-action, a la From Dusk 'til Dawn.

That leads me to my one problem with the whole thing. While I love Tarantino as much as the next person, and Robert Rodriguez is pretty cool, too, I worry that they may not be able to really give us something all that different from what they've already done. Tarantino's Kill Bill already used up the exploitation genre's post-modern, inter-textual reference quota. From Dusk 'til Dawn did the whole action-horror B movie thing as well as it can be done. What more do they really have to offer us?

I guess I should just have a little faith. Tarantino hasn't delivered a truly bad movie thus far, so why would he now? Plus, there's a girl with a machine gun for a leg. How can that possibly be anything less then awesome?

I guess we'll have to wait and see.


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