Saturday, December 16, 2006

First post, and some comments about Fresno

Having used MySpace for a good while now, I've decided I'm not overly fond of the blogging interface. I also decided that I wanted to feel special. So, now I have my own website, sort of. I suppose that makes me just a little bit special. Considering it is free and all, I guess I'm not that special, but still.

Probably, this will more or less be like my MySpace blog, with me writing random crap occasionally and amusing/irritating a few choice people. In other words, it will be like most people's blogs, except for one key difference: I can spell. I also know not to talk in the passive tense, and I have a keen sense of hyphen usage. Plus, my vocabulary is fairly extensive.

Anyway -

As many people know, and a few others are starting to realize, Fresno is a pretty lame place. However, in the past 24 hours, It's coolness went up ten-fold. A new movie theater opened. This theater, the Criterion Cinemas 16, is operated by North American Cinemas. They have promised to reserve three (I think thats the number anyway. It's a nice number.) theaters for movies made outside of the Hollywood Studio machine. That is exciting news. What is also exciting about that is I never have to go to another Regal-operated theater again. That is fantastic. Regal has had a literal monopoly on Fresno theaters for two or three years. I'm happy to say that the movies they think I should be watching are no longer the only movies playing in town.

That accounts for only part of my increased respect for this hell-hole.

Tower Records went bankrupt last year. They have been slowly sliding into retail oblivion since then. That is good news- while the store may have had a 8/10 when it comes to selection, their prices left something to be desired. Everything was sold at MSRP. That is ridiculous. In the era of eCommerce, nothing should be sold at MSRP. It just isn't competitive. So now Tower Records is leaving us for good.

Thats not the good news. The good news is that it is to be replaced by something much, much cooler - Fresno's very own Rasputin Music. I used to work at the Berkeley store, and I can assure you, Rasputin's is orders-of-magnitude cooler then Tower Records ever was beating even the Tokyo Tower Records (the biggest record store in the world). Their prices are competitive with places like Best Buy, and they tend to have a much better used section, (though I won't promise miracles in that regard as they'll be limited to stock brought in from Fresno...ites). Selection wise, they easily defeat even the best stocked Tower Records. 9/10 there. They miss that crucial last point as they don't always order enough copies for the street date.

I found this out when I went to Tower today to pick over the corpse. Actually, my manager from the Berkeley store was there going through some stuff, so I talked to him for a bit. They should be opening around the end of February, so I look forward to that whole heartedly.

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Unknown said...

love you...first to comment!

Anonymous said...

Any idea who's doing the hiring and when they're doing it?

sacredchao said...

Not sure who will be in charge of that, but it will probably be 'round about the end of February.

Anonymous said...

to all that are still scratching your head ??????? rasputen is a new/used store.they buy everything you sell.yes 1 cent counts!the bay area stores have but arent limited to records,audio tapes ,cd,vcr tapes,dvd,laser disk,posters,t shirts,stickers,patches and that`s all i can remember.the video section is what you have been waiting for.the list of music is as long as you have been looking for your me if you have a taste for something diffrent you will enjoy!